Thunderdome Never Dies
A feature length documentary about the history and revival of the world's most notorious party concept, Thunderdome. Now on iTunes, Google play, Pathé Thuis, KPN, Ziggo, Telenet, Proximus, Rakuten.

**** Telegraaf: "Dj’s, bezoekers en organisatoren reconstrueren hier een uniek hoofdstuk dancegeschiedenis."
*** Volkskrant : "Thunderdome Never Dies, een jongensboekverhaal van branievolle feestoprichters, sprankelt."
*** Metro: "Kippenvel over je armen en onbewust met je hele lichaam meedeinend."

-- NFF, Kristallen film 2019 --
Prod.Comp.: Deep thought Productions
Co-prod.Comp.: 2CFILMS
Distribution: Just Film Distribution
Directors: Ted Alkemade & Vera holland

DoP: Bob Alkemade
Jomanda, het echte verhaal
In the 1990s, Joke Daman grew into the largest, but also the most controversial spiritual medium the Netherlands has ever known: Jomanda. Never-before-seen archive footage takes you back to the madness in Tiel, where Jomanda held massive sessions.
Prod.Comp.: No Pictures Please
Co-prod.Comp.: Fremantle media
Distribution: Videoland
Directors: Nathalie Pieters & Ted Alkemade

DoP: Freek Zonderland
3LAB Documentary 'Thunder' about two autistic friends on a journey to the opening of a new rollercoaster in Sweden.
Producer: KRO-NCRV
Director: Ted Alkemade & Vera Holland
DoP: Bob Alkemade
Music: Sander Oskamp & Alistair Sung
Grading: Koerst van der Ploeg / Ambassadors
Beyond Mountains
A poetic documentary about the mental journey of three climbers on Mount Kilimanjaro.
Producer: Lex Szanto / ALLY.Amsterdam
Dir. and Camera: Ted Alkemade & Gábor Deák
Edit: Doug Hancock
Music: Michel Banabila, Salar Asid, Mehmet Polat
Grading: Barry Clarke, Quianwai Tong / Captcha!
The Utrecht city opera 'Onderweg' is based on 62 Utrecht refugee stories. This documentary tells the story about the creation of this opera in which some key figures from the opera and the makers are followed. This film is part of the national project: 'Ongekend Bijzonder'.
Dir./Edit: Ted Alkemade
Camera: Marc Slings
Geluid: Wouter Tjaden
Wij Jagen
We hunt is a visual portrait centred on the topic of hunting that depicts the authentic story of hunters.
-- Best Cinematography + Best Music  -  Eindhovens Film Festival 2014 --
-- Best Documentary + Best Cinematography  -  Shortcutz Annual award 2014 --
-- Incentive award - Beeldbuis filmfestival 2014 --
-- Vimeo Staff Pick --
Producer: Spektor
Director: Ted Alkemade & Vera Holland
Narrator: Bjorn van der Veen
Camera: Bob Alkemade & Salih Kilic
Edit: Ted Alkemade
Music: Lennert Busch
Grading: Bob Alkemade
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